Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Natural Relief For The Common Allergies

The obvious way to treat allergies (hay fever) is to take some kind of allergy medication. The disadvantage to using such medications are the side effects, not to mention you have to keep on using them for allergy relief.
For those who don’t want to take allergy medications for the rest of their lives, here are a couple of simple and effective natural remedies for allergy relief.
Cayenne peppers
 contain vitamins and minerals which can really help your body fight hay fever symptoms. Cook food with cayenne peppers, srpinkle it in food, or eat it as is. It may be spicy to some, but give it a try and see if it helps to relieve your allergy symptoms. 
Green onions
 (scallions), is another natural remedy for allergies. Similar to cayenne pepper, green onions also possess minerals and vitamins needed to fight common allergy symptoms. 
Cayenne peppers and green onions not only can relieve common allergy symptoms but are also quite nutritious. It may or may not help fight your allergy symptoms, but it’s good for you so why not try it.

How to Clean Your Home

You probably know someone whose house seems to be at all times be tidy and uncluttered. Don’t you wish that this could be your home? Well their house can’t be your house; but you too can achieve an organized, spectacularly tidy, and clean home as well.
Photo : uppercrustmaids
No more being afraid to have friends and families come over to a messy-dirty looking home.
Prepare yourself and learn how to declutter your home – declutter your life!
declutter-your-lifePhoto source
When you eventually determine to declutter your home, do not attempt to get it done all in one single day. This is a common newbie mistake. A good idea is to do one room at a time and make sure that you can actually see it through from beginning to end. If you realize your home is steadily becoming cleaner everyday, you’ll feel much better about continuing to finish decluttering and cleaning the whole house. The room that you use most should be the one you clean first. So maybe start with the bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom, other rooms…
There are cartons and bins you can get from your local shop to easily organize your stuff. These may be stored under beds, closets, as well as in any attic space you’ve got. 
What’s the strategy to go about selecting what items you want or don’t want anymore?
It’s common for many hoarders to keep clothes, books, magazines, and other useless junk by the notion that they simply might need these items some day in the future. There’s really no magic number to this, but if you haven’t used or seen something in the last 3 months, throw it away. Like a book or an old painting that hasn’t been looked at for years.
What to do with useless junk? One man’s garbage may be another man’s gold. So sell them at a garage sale, sell on ebay, give to charity, recycle them, just don’t keep on hoarding!
Before you know it, you’ll have a million dollar looking decluttered, clean home…

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Lose Face Fat – How to do Yoga Facial Exercises For a Slimmer Face

People exercise to decrease body fat and get  to get a slimmer toned body. Did you know that you can actually exercise your face and lose face fat and tone your face as well? You can call it yoga for the face or facial exercises. The aim is to get a slimmer face that looks younger and more defined around the jaw and cheekbone areas. 
Facial exercises are quite easy to do unlike traditional yoga poses and other exercises for the body.

“The video is split into 3 parts. All parts are equally important (well maybe more of the 1st and 2nd part).”
  1. Everyday tips to PREVENT/MINIMIZE a puffy and bloated face. I’ll also share a facial slimming massage technique which has worked wonders for me. I massage my face at least 2-3 times a week now.
  2. How to use makeup to sculpt and contour the face to give an illusion of a smaller, sharper and slimmer face
  3. I’ll be sharing/demonstrating some products which I’ve tried & tested that really works for slimming the face.
For anyone MALE or FEMALE that wants to seriously reshape their face for a natural good look check out this complete Face Fitness Course.facial-exercises
“The exercises are nothing like the ones I had tried in the past.  I had used all the free samples I found online, but nothing made the different like the ones from this program.  Thanks!”

Thursday, January 9, 2014

How to Floss Your Teeth Without Wrapping Around Your Fingers

There’s a better way to floss and that is to tie the floss into a loop. Now you don’t have to put off flossing to avoid strangling your fingers into bloody redness.
Win the fight against gingivitis, floss everyday people!

Ways to Stop Procrastinating Right Now

Procrastinating is like a disease and practically everyone suffers from it. The lucky few that know how to overcome procrastination will move on to do great things in life! Is that enough motivation for you?
There’re many different approaches to dealing with procrastination, below is a step-by-step KISS (keep it simple, stupid) list to conquering this beast:
Step 1, create a simple list of your tasks and set deadlines for each 1! Remember to KISS (KEEP IT STUPID SIMPLE)! Don’t over-think it, don’t over analyze it!  
Step 2, turn off all distractions, like the TV, instant messengers, facebook. Log off everything you don’t need!
Step 3, take a deep breath, count down from 10, take another deep breath and JUST start doing item #1 on your KISS list! Cut the BS, and just do it! Tell yourself to JUST DO IT!
Extra hot motivational tip! Reward yourself for getting things done early such as watch your favorite TV shows, play video games, or whatever makes you happy and lazy. You deserve it!
 ”Don’t wait. The time will never be just right”. ~Napoleon Hill

How to Increase Your Gas Mileage - Save money on gas!

Paying for gas really hurts. You're probably paying around $200+ a month for gas . Let's try to save you some money each month.

Here are some cheap & fast ways to save and improve your gas mileage
1) Don’t be too cheap at the pump! It is more efficient to fill up the gas tank all the way full rather than visiting the gas station more often which wastes more gas getting there and time to fill up the tank. 
2) Maintain your tire pressure. Keep the air at the recommended PSI level indicated by the tire manufacturer. Good tires roll more efficiently.
3) Accelerate moderately. You’re not street racing… so there’s never a reason to take off like a rocket from a stop light.
4) Use the air conditioner at about 45+ MPH. The AC takes about 8% of the gas when in used at high power.
5) Park your car in the shade! Yes, gas may evaporate when your car is out in the hot sun all day.
Extra HOT tip*: do not skip on car maintenance as this may come back to bite you hard! Get your regular oil change, clean and or replace air filters, spark plugs, etc. Not only is maintaining your car’s health beneficial to saving you money with gas mileage but will also make your car last much longer.
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